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Aganope Miq.
Subfamily: FaboideaeTribe: Millettieae
Lianas or trees. Leaves imparipinnate; stipules caducous; stipellae absent or present. Leaflets 5–9 per leaf opposite, entire. Inflorescences panicles axillary or terminal. Bracts subtending lateral branches or flowers persistent or caducous, shorter than the corresponding flower buds; bracteoles usually at the apex of the pedicel or at the base of the calyx. Calyx pale green to reddish, cup-shaped, bilabiate, usually truncate, upper lip often indistinctly 2-lobed; lower lip 3-lobed. Corolla whitish or pale greenish, or with green or brown spots, usually turning blackish in dry specimens; standard with or without basal callosities, reflexed at base; wings approximately as long as keel petals, free or hardly adnate to the keel petals. Stamens 10, diadelphous; anthers all equal, fertile, hairy. Disc consisting of 9 or 10 free, finger-shaped glands. Ovary hairy, with 3–9 ovules. Pods indehiscent, flat, thin, leathery, with a wing along both sutures or along the upper suture only, seed chamber absent or present. Seeds (narrowly) bean-shaped, generally 1–6 per pod; hilum eccentric.