Derris cuneifolia
Lianas. Twigs 3–6 mm diam., smooth or slightly lenticellate, thinly hirsute in young parts, older parts glabrescent. Stipules ovate, 1.5–2 by 2–2.5 mm, outside thinly sericeous, margin ciliate, inside glabrous. Leaves with 5–9 leaflets, rarely up to 15; petiole 5–7.5 cm long, striate; rachis 4–8 cm long, striate, glabrous to thinly hirsute at the upper side; pulvinus 4–8 mm long, hirsute, especially at the base. Stipellae absent. Leaflets chartaceous, terminal one obovate, 5–9 by 3.4–5 cm, length/width ratio 1.5–1.8, base cuneate, apex shortly acuminate or obtuse, acumen 3–4 mm long, rounded, upper surface glabrous, lower surface with widely scattered appressed hairs, especially along the midrib and veins, midrib flat to slightly sunken above, raised below, nerves flat or slightly raised above, raised below, 8–11 per side, 6–10 mm apart, curving towards the apex and almost reaching the leaf margin, anastomosing near or close to the margin, venation reticulate; lateral leaflets mostly like terminal one, elliptic or obovate, 6–7.5 by 3.3–4 cm, length/width ratio 1.8–1.9; pulvinus ca. 4.5 mm long, thinly sericeous. Inflorescences axillary or rarely terminal pseudoracemes rarely combined to pseudopanicles, 7–16 cm long; peduncle 1–4.5 cm long, glabrous to thinly strigose; lateral branches up to 7 cm long. Bracts subtending brachyblasts ovate to triangular, 1.7–1.8 by 1.5–1.6 mm, outside sericeous, margin ciliate, inside glabrous; bracts subtending flowers broadly elliptic to ovate, 1–1.1 by 0.7–0.8 mm, outside glabrous or thinly sericeous, margin ciliate, inside glabrous. Brachyblasts slender, cylindrical, 5–9 mm long, with 2 or 3 flowers at the apex. Pedicels 3–9.5 mm long, glabrous or thinly sericeous. Bracteoles at the top of the pedicels, elliptic to ovate or orbicular, ca. 1 by 0.7–0.8 mm, outside glabrous or thinly sericeous, margin ciliate, inside glabrous or thinly sericeous at the apex. Calyx 3–4.5 mm high, reddish, outside glabrous to thinly sericeous, margin ciliate, inside glabrous, tube 2.5–4 mm high; upper lip indistinct or sometimes with 2 short semicircular lobes; lateral lobes (broadly) triangular, 0.3–0.5 by 2–2.5 mm; lower lobe triangular, 0.4–0.5 by 2–3 mm. Corolla white or pink. Standard: claw 2–2.5 mm long; blade broadly ovate to orbicular, 11.5–12 by 10–13 mm, apex rounded, glabrous, basal callosities present. Wings: claw 2.5–4 mm long; blade elliptic, 10–11 by 3.8–4 mm, apex rounded, both sides glabrous or thinly ciliate at apex, upper auricle 0.5–1 mm long, lower auricle 0.2–0.4 mm long, lateral pocket 2.5–3.5 mm long, Keel petals: claw 4–4.5 mm long; blade boat-shaped, 9.6–10 by 3.5–3.7 mm, apex rounded, both sides glabrous or with some hairs at the apex, auricle up to 0.7 mm long or sometimes indistinct, lateral pocket 3–4 mm long. Stamens monadelphous with basal fenestrae, 9–11 mm long, free part 3–4 mm long, glabrous; anthers 0.6–0.9 by 0.3–0.5 mm, glabrous. Disc annular or with (up to) 10 lobes, 0.2–0.5 mm high, with some hairs. Ovary 3.5–7 mm long, sericeous; stipe usually indistinct but sometimes up to 1 mm long; ovules 3 or 4; style 6–7 mm long, sericeous in lower part. Pods elliptic or ovate, 40–50 by 20–23 mm, glabrous, with wing along both sutures, upper wing 3–4.5 mm wide, lower wing 3–4.5 mm wide, sometimes indistinct; seed chamber absent. Seeds unknown.
India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, south China, Laos, Vietnam and northern Thailand.
Primary and secondary dry evergreen forests, often along rivers
Flowering from March to May, fruiting from June to July.