Solori Adans.
Subfamily: FaboideaeTribe: Millettieae
Lianas or trees. Twigs usually lenticellate. Leaves imparipinnate; stipules present, persistent or caducous; stipellae generally present or sometimes reduced, persistent. Leaflets generally more than 7, up to 41 (or rarely more) per leaf, opposite, entire. Inflorescences axillary pseudoracemes, often combined with terminal or axillary pseudopanicles, intermediate form only found in B. koolgibberah. Flowers usually more than 5, occasionally 2 or 3, fascicled on (or rarely on the top of) callose, knob-like or club-shaped brachyblasts. Bracts subtending brachyblasts and flowers persistent or caducous, shorter than the corresponding flower buds; bracteoles present, usually at the apex of the pedicel or at the base of the calyx. Calyx cup-shaped, often greenish or slightly reddish, bilabiate, upper lip 2-lobed, often indistinctly so; lower lip 3-lobed. Corolla whitish, pinkish or purplish; standard without distinct basal callosities, reflexed at base; wings approximately as long as keel petals and adherent by lateral pockets or hooked together by auricles or twisted claws (or any combination). Stamens 10, monadelphous, with basal fenestrae; anthers all equal, fertile, glabrous. Disc usually distinct, tubular, cylindric or 10-lobed. Ovary with 7–12 ovules. Pods indehiscent, thin and stiff, usually narrowly elliptic or strap-like, with a wing along the upper suture only; seed chambers distinct. Seeds bean-shaped, 1–4 or 7; hilum usually central.